Liposuction: Preparing For This Popular Cosmetic Procedure
Liposuction, or lipoplasty, is the most frequently performed surgical procedure performed in the United States starting in 2013, beating out breast augmentation for the first time in history. Its purpose is to reduce the appearance of unsightly bulges and help people get a slim physique. The most common areas where people receive liposuction is the abdomen, buttocks, and back, as well as the thighs, upper arms, neck, face, knees, calves, and other areas. Liposuction is not a means to lose weight. It is for a person who has a healthy body, but has a stubborn muffin top, love handles, or arm flab that just won't go away, no matter how hard they try.
Are You A Candidate For Liposuction?
The ideal candidate for liposuction is a healthy adult who has good eating and exercising habits and is close to his or her ideal weight, but has a stubborn area of fat that is not responding to diet and exercise. A good candidate is also knowledgeable about the procedure and potential side effects, has a great support system line up during recovery, and can take some time off from work to recuperate.
If you are considering liposuction, get educated about the procedure. Learn about how it is performed on the area you'd like to have the procedure done, learn about the risks and potential complications, and learn about the healing process and after care requirements. Find out if you'll have to take time off work, and if you'll need help around the house in the days or weeks following your procedure.
A Consultation With The Surgeon
The next step is to schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and one who has experience in liposuction on the specific body part that you'd like to have done. All surgeons with this accreditation have undergone comprehensive training in liposuction.
During the consultation, the doctor will examine your problem areas and discuss your intentions, goals, and expectations. The doctor will also ask you about your medical history as there are many health situations and issues that could prevent you from being a candidate for liposuction, or warrant special considerations during the procedure.
Finally, the surgeon will explain the liposuction procedure with you. He or she will talk to you about any alternative procedures that may be available. The surgeon will also disclose the potential risks and the side effects of liposuction, what you can expect during recovery, and he or she will provide you with specific aftercare instructions.
Schedule Your Procedure
Your surgeon will then determine if you are a candidate for liposuction. If you are, then you can go ahead and schedule an appointment for the procedure. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your local cosmetic surgery office such as Cosmetic Surgery & Laser Center. They will be happy to help you.