What To Know When Considering A Tummy Tuck
Chances are you have heard of tummy tuck surgery. You may have even known someone who has had the surgery performed, but is it right for you? While a tummy tuck surgery can sometimes be the solution to many problems, it can have its own challenges. Having an open and real discussion with your plastic surgeon can usually clear up any questions you may have. In an effort to help, here are a few things you should know before committing to the operation.
Ideal Candidates
There are different types of tummy tuck operations. For individuals who have loose skin throughout their midriff, a full tummy tuck will likely be the best option. For those people who have a lot of loose skin right above their pubic line, a mini tummy tuck may be sufficient. Ideal candidates for either surgery are those who are overall healthy (without major medical conditions) and are relatively fit. Women who are contemplating future pregnancies should put off having this surgery until they are sure that their family is complete. This operation has no way to ensure that fat deposits will not reform in the future, so surgery should happen only after a healthy lifestyle has already been established.
The Operation
It is important to have a clear understanding of what a tummy tuck is. During this procedure, an incision will be made along your bikini line, and the skin and fat of your abdomen will be folded up. Your surgeon will then tighten your abdominals and may even perform liposuction on the fat tissue underlying your skin. Your skin will then be stretched back over the incision and loose hanging skin may be removed. Your naval will then be corrected to make sure it looks normal and naturally placed since it will have moved with the rest of your skin.
A tummy tuck surgery is just that — surgery. It should be understood that there could be pain, bruising, drainage, and scars left over from having the operation. Most people will have drainage tubes coming from the surgical site for around 7 days, during which time they should not be going to work. Normal recovery for a tummy tuck is anywhere from 6-8 weeks. It is important to plan ahead for this time, in order to make sure that you will have help around your house. Things like vacuuming (which takes core muscles) should be avoided during that time.
If you have questions about the procedure, healing, or how it would work for you, talk to your plastic surgeon.